





Hosts: The CPCCommittee and the People's Government of Tangkou Town, Kaiping City

Guidance Units: Rural Construction Branch &Architects Branch, Chinese Society of Architecture

Co-organizers:Organization Department of the CPC Kaiping Municipal Committee, Kaiping Housingand Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Kaiping Agriculture and Rural Bureau,Kaiping Culture, Radio & Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau
Organizers:Asia-Pacific Institute of Construction Science and Technology Information Co.,Ltd., Architecture Technique Magazine


党的十九大报告明确提出实施乡村振兴发展战略。2018年7月,江门市出台《江门市村庄规划编制工作方案》要求从实际出发谋划村庄规划,注重保持村庄自然环境、乡土气息、田园风光、优秀传统文化,注重保护文物,留住田园乡愁。 规划将塘口镇定位为国家级华侨文化旅游胜地提出联合赤坎镇、百合镇和蚬冈镇,发挥开平碉楼和村落的世界级文化资源优势,提升旅游品牌营销,同时继续完善基础设施和城镇服务功能,形成世界级华侨文化旅游区为特征的开平市域副中心。

The report of the 19th CPC National Congressexplicitly puts forward the strategy for rural vitalization. In July 2018, the government of Jiangmen issued the “Work Plan of Village Planning in Jiangmen”. The plan requires the government to plan villages based on reality and focus on maintaining the village’s natural environment, local flavor, idyllic scenery and excellent traditional cultures, and on protecting the cultural relics and retaining rural characteristics. In the plan, Tangkou has been positioned as anindustrial town in the northwest of Jiangmen (it was also regarded as anecological development area by the new functional partition of the three districtsof Jiangmen) and a national tourist resort for overseas Chinese culture. The plan proposes to combine Chikan Township, Baihe Township and Xiangang Townshipto give full play to the advantages of world-class cultural resources of Kaiping watchtowers and villages, enhance the tourism brand marketing, and continue to improve the infrastructure and service function of this area, so asto form a sub-center of Kaiping with the characteristics of world-class tourismzone of overseas Chinese culture .



The year of 2021 marks the 14th anniversary of Kaiping watchtowers and ancient villages’ successful application for World Cultural Heritage Sites,which is the first overseas Chinese cultural heritage project in China. It has supplied the gaps in China’s heritage site of overseas Chinese culture.For the long-termdevelopment of Tangkou, the CPC Committee and People's Government of Tangkou Town, Kaiping City, will hold a rural construction design competition themed on Gazing at Historic Watchtowers& Building Dreams for Future Tangkou. Continuing reinforcing the name of World Cultural Heritage, the competition also actively explores a “KaipingModel” with features of overseas Chinese hometown for rural revitalization in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. By doing so, the attention and participation of designers around the world could be drawn to Tangkou and to improving its aesthetics; with such efforts, we could build a better Tangkou, spread Tangkou stories, and attract more young people, talents and fellow countrymento return to their hometown to revitalize and build a new future for Tangkou.Welcome domestic and foreign architectural designers, landscape designersas well as teachers and students majoring in architecture and landscape at homeand abroad to take part  the competition.




There are two propositions for this competition. Design Proposition 1: 5A Scenic Spots Watchtowers and the Villages’ Commercial Supporting Business Group; Design Proposition 2: Dahu Pond Research and Education Camp Complex. Participants can choose either one of the two propositions.

Participants are required to explore, continue thelocal historical and cultural resources and regional architectural characteristics, and show the innovation and creativity in the process of rural development and construction in the new era. Guided by the overall design outlineof ecological livability, village integration and industry prospects,participants need to respect the actual needs of local construction and village development, and let the concept of sustainability run through the design allalong.

The winning teams and their design schemes have the opportunity to participate in the construction and implementation of the design object first.

命题1 : 碉楼与村落5A景区商业配套业态组团

Design Proposition 1: 5A Scenic Spots Watchtowers and the Villages’ Commercial Supporting Business Group



The biding object is located in Qiangya Village,Tangkou Town. It is the location of the World Cultural Heritage Zili Village Watchtower Group. There are a large number of beautifully constructed buildings with a long history, and these buildings bear the cultural history of the Fangs. It has a beautiful natural environment and rich tourism resources. The village emphasizes on planning, so the houses here are neat and uniform, and the village lanes are quite straight. The object location of Design Proposition 1“5A Scenic Spots Watchtowers and the Villages’ Commercial Supporting Business Group” is adjacent to the main road of Qiling Village, about 300 meters awayfrom the location of the World Cultural Heritage Zili Village Watchtower Group.Efforts will be made to improve the supporting experience of the scenic area and create a high-quality tourist area with architectural aesthetic value through the design of commercial spaces such as shops for specialty products, B&Bs,restaurants and cafes.The total investment is expected to be 15-20 million yuan。

设计要求 Design Requirements







Based on the planning for Qiling Village and the positioning of the “Functional Supporting Facilities of 5A Scenic Spot Watchtowers and Villages”, designers should discuss and confirm the rationality of the current functional space planning(Such as scale and functional requirements). The total design area is 5 mu (About3333.333 m²); the height limit is 11.8 meters, and the plot ratio cannot exceed1.0. As the base is close to Zili Village, a world cultural heritage site, the architectural features should follow the relevant protection requirements ofthe watchtower protection core area. The specific functions are as follows.
Bed & Breakfast groups: the theme B&Bwith the characteristics of watchtowers of overseas Chinese hometown and the world cultural heritage.There are no more than 14 rooms in a single building, and the total size of the B & B is no more than 28 rooms.
Gifts and specialty shops: six to eight shops to display and sell creative cultural products, local specialties and agricultural products of watchtowers inoverseas Chinese hometown.
Restaurants and cafes: rural restaurant with local cuisine culture characteristics and supporting cafes.
Landscape design: Some of the existing fengshui bamboos need to be preserved and kept in the biding object area. The design should fully reflect the new harmonious relationship between architecture and landscape, enrich the space experience of the whole area, and at the same time integrate with the surrounding environment of the villages. 
Other functional spaces are up to the independent design and planning by contestants themselves. The total capacityand density shall be taken into consideration to better coordinate with the village organization. 



Design Proposition 2: Dahu Pond Research and Education Camp Complex




The biding object is located in Yijing Village,Tangkou Town. Situated at southern Tangkou, Yijing is adjacent to Liyuan Garden,only 15 km away from the downtown. There are abundant old houses in YijingVillage and Dahu Pond Village, and buildings like watchtowers and cottages arewell preserved here. It is famous for being the hometown of overseas Chinese,watchtowers and operas. It boasts a profound red culture as it accommodates theformer residence of the outstanding Chinese Communist Xie Yongkuan. There areeight village groups. The watchtowers of Dahu Pond Village and overseas Chinesebuildings stand around in groups, rendering them highly malleable in the laterspace creation process of traditional villages.The total investment is expected to be 10 million yuan.

The red education base of theFormer Residence of Xie Chuang in Yijing Village has now opened to thepublic. Research and education resources like Former Residence of Xie Chuang,Former Residence of Xie Yongkuan, buildings with characteristics and thesurrounding natural environment will be used to build a research and educationcamp complex with both red cultures and cultural features of overseas Chinesehometown.

设计要求 Design Requirements



Based on the village planning for Dahu Pond Village and the positioningof the “Research and Education Camp Complex”, designers should discuss and confirmthe rationality of each functional space planning. The total area of land foruse is 3.72 mu (about 2480 m²) and the height is limited to 15 meters. Specificfunctions are as follows:

Research and education camp complex:a research andeducation camp complex meeting the requirements for accommodation and catering to200 students.

Special shops/Display area: red cultural and creative products, cultural andcreative products with characteristics, four to six shops for displayingspecial agricultural products and selling cultural and creative products withcharacteristics, specialties and agricultural products.

Cafes: supporting cafes meeting the needs of visitors to the red village as wellas research and education groups.

Other functional spaces are up to theindependent design and planning by contestants themselves. The total capacityand density shall be taken into consideration to better coordinate with thevillage organization.











One group of First Prize: certificate of award +bonus 100,000 yuan (Before tax);

Two groups of Second Prize: certificate of award +bonus 50,000 yuan (Before tax);

Five groups of Third Prize: certificate of award +bonus 20,000 yuan (Before tax);

Several groups of Excellence Awards: certificate of award+bonus 2,000 yuan(Before tax)



崔  愷:中国工程院院士,中国建筑设计研究院有限公司名誉院长、总建筑师
张   彤:东南大学建筑学院院长
何   崴:中央美术学院建筑学院数字空间与虚拟现实实验室主任
General director of the competition
Cui Kai:Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,Honorary president andchief architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group .
Competition judges
Zhang Pengju:Chairman of Inner Mongolia University of TechnologyArchitectural Design Co., Ltd, National Engineering Survey and Design Masters.
Zhang Tong:Dean, School of architecture, Southeast University.
Peng Changxin:Associate dean, School of architecture, South ChinaUniversity of Technology.
Song Yehao:Professor, School of architecture, Tsinghua University.
He Wei:Director of digital space and Virtual Reality Laboratory,School of architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Jin Qiuye: Associate dean,School of architecture and urban planning,Beijing Technology Architectural University.
Guo Haian:Associate dean and chief architect of Urban Design Institute of ChinaArchitectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd; Secretary general andstanding committee member of village and town construction branch of ChineseArchitectural Society.







The followingevaluation rules are determined according to the concept of competition anddesign goals:

The space function and combinationprinciple shall conform to the theme: According to the above-mentioned designrequirements, the design prototype and deductive logic of different functionsshould be reflected in the design, and the form and function should beadequately expressed so as to meet the proposition requirements.
Respect the local characteristics and regional cultures:According to the competition design propositions and design requirements, localcultures, architectural characteristics and management requirements should befully respected, and the local natural and cultural IPs should be fully exploredand continued.
Sustainable value of design and innovation:According to the proposition requirements, reasonable functional layout andinnovative architectural aesthetics should be created; and the short-term andlong-term development needs of the project should be supported by the design,so as to form the goals and rhythms of early stage development driving thelater stage.
Controllable cost principle of ruralconstruction: Reasonable design shall be implemented in the rural constructionfield, based on the design and construction principles of sturdiness,practicality and esthetics, with finite cost, to guarantee the optimal designand construction.



All teams are encouraged to choose their design proposition after an in-depth site visit so as to respect and continue the local cultural customs and architectural features,  then, propose an innovative design scheme.  The deliverables shall include:
Drawing Specifications:The final submission entry should be presented in three A1 size (841mm X594 mm) drawings with vertical layout.The resolution shall be no less than 240DPI. Each drawing shouldbe no more than 30M in size, submitted in JPG & PDF.The names of the drawings shall be: XXX (Theme of the Work) -1, XXX (Theme of the Work) -2,XXX (Theme of the Work) -3.
Contents of the drawings: 1)General plan, architectural plan, section, elevation (No limitation on scale),and perspective (No limitation on expression forms, e.g., cutaway perspective,axonometric axis, etc) that can fully express the creative intention of theentry; 2)Analytical diagrams that reflect the design theme. 3)Other drawingsthat the designer believes will help reflect the meaning of the design (E.g., constructiondetailed drawings, photos of prototypes, etc.). 4)Design description of nomore than 500 words (Put within the drawings). 5)Names of the entries shall beprominently displayed on the drawings: XXX(Theme of the Entry) -1, XXX (Theme of the Entry)- 2, XXX (Theme of the Entry)- 3.  6)Any words or patterns related to the designer's name, work unit or university shall notappear on the electronic drawings.


1. 竞赛官方语言为中文。

2. 电子图纸中不得出现任何有关作者姓名和所在单位、院校的文字或图案,不符合规定者将被取消参赛资格。

3. 凡入围机构及个人的参赛作品除作者署名权以外,其余全部著作权归竞赛主办方所有。

4. 参赛作品必须为针对本次大赛的原创设计,不允许使用参加过其他竞赛的作品,或盗用他人曾经在公开场合发表过的创意作品,一经发现立即取消参赛资格。

5. 对一个大赛单元,每个参赛团队及成员仅允许参与设计和提交一组成果。若提交不只一组成果,组委会有权选择其中一组作为参赛作品进行评审。

6. 参赛团队人员最多不超过7人。

7. 竞赛组委会对竞赛规则拥有最终解释权。

1. The official language of the competition is Chinese.

2. Any words or patterns related to the designer's name, work unit or university shall notappear on the electronic drawings. Those who do not meet the requirements willbe disqualified.

3. All the copyrights of the entries of the short listed organizations and individuals belongs to the organizers except for the right of signature.

4. The entries must be the original design for this competition. It is not allowedto use the entries that have participated in other competitions or steal thecreative works that have been published by others in public. Once found, theentries will be disqualified immediately.

5. Eachparticipant is only allowed to sign up for one competition team.Participationin multiple teams is not permitted.Entries must be originaldesigns for this competition. Multiple submissions of the same design fordifferent competitions are not allowed. Once discovered, relevant designerswill be disqualified.In case of repeated submissions of the same work, theorganizing committee has the rightto select one set of work as the entry forevaluation.

6. The maximum number of participating team members is no more than 7.

7. The competition organizing committee reserves the right of finalinterpretation to the competition rules.



2021年5月13日-7月25日 大赛报名

2021年8月31日 参赛作品设计及提交(后续提交作品请关注“AT建筑技艺”公众号)


Registration for the contest: May 13 to July 25, 2021

Entry submission: before August 31, 2021


点击 https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvs07U/?sr=wenjuan_mini_app&sy=1










报名咨询:刘晓茜  010-57368780,13386405501

专业答疑:郭泾杉  010-57368796,17772598028




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