

1. 主办单位Sponsors


China Fashion Association


Shandong Fashion Association


Shandong Radio and TV Station



Jinan Mingfucheng Culture Tourism Investment Holding Co. LTD


Shandong Radio and TV Station General Radio Channel

太阳鸟(山东) 服饰文化教育有限公司

Sunbird (Shandong) Clothing Culture Education Co., Ltd.,

3. 协办单位 Co-organizers


Associations, Media, Universities and Enterprises

4. 技术支持单位 Technology Support



5. 媒体支持单位Media Support


Bilibili, Douyin, Digital Apparel, Sales Platform, Live-streaming Sales Platform and National Portal Media Websites.

大赛时间Event Time


Start Time: May 18th, 2022


Final Round:November, 2022



Jinan, Shandong Province, China

大赛主题 Competition Theme


Yichang Fashion

仪,礼仪,中华民族固守礼明德。 《荀子·修身》中说:人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成。




Propriety, etiquette, the Chinese nation adhere to propriety and virtue.

"Xun Zi · Cultivate One's Self" said: rude people will not live well, do things without propriety will not do well.

Nowadays, dress etiquette reflects people's value orientation, behavior mode and life attitude.

The current China International Garment Design Competition hopes to collect designs with historical and cultural genes of the Chinese nation and the contemporary spiritual outlook, abide by the traditional dress etiquette, but also suit the dress scene of the modern society.

Inheriting the cultural tradition of Chinese clothing, showing the civilization style of the contemporary time, with distinct beauty and recognition, widely applicable to international exchanges, cultural exchanges, business exchanges, daily festivals and ceremonies and other occasions.

参赛对象Contestant Qualifications


The competition is free of registration fee and is open to fashion designers from home and abroad, related majors’ teachers and students from colleges and universities across the globe, as well as talented designers with design dreams (regardless of nationality, region, gender and age).

作品要求 Work Requirements


1. A series of Chinese fashion design works in accordance with the competition theme (4-5 sets per series), every contestant (or every team) could only submit one collection( maximum 3 people); the work shall have distinctive cultural characteristics and contemporary quality, with unique style, fine production, and complete match of accessories.

2. 请于线上提交时装设计效果图(图稿尺寸比例 16:9)、款式图(如 有特殊设计出现在背面,则需要背面图)、主题说明、工艺要求、面料实物图片及说明。设计图稿的大小要求:27cm × 48cm。实物小样:5cm×5cm。

Please submit fashion design sketch (drawing size 16:9), style sketch (if there is a special design on the back of the garment, the back sketch is required), theme description, process requirements, fabric pictures and instructions through online method. Design sketch size requirements: 27cm × 48cm. Physical sample: 5cm×5cm.

3. 入围选手须按时提交系列中至少3套实物作品;同时提交1-2套数字虚拟作品。其中数字虚拟作品要求提供三种源文件格式:虚拟模特不限;图片格式为JPG;视频文件格式为MP4;源编辑文件格式OBJ。参赛成衣与虚拟作品制作费用由选手承担,选手将免费获得技术支持单位提供的正版软件。

Shortlisted contestants shall submit 3 sets of physical works; and 1-2 sets of digital virtual works on schedule. The digital virtual works shall be submitted in 3 source file formats: picture format JPG; video format MP4; source edit file format OBJ. The contestants shall bear the cost for ready-made and virtual works’ production, and they will receive free copyrighted software provided by the technology support company.

4. 入围决赛的参赛选手将获得技术支持单位开展的三维虚拟软件与技术免费培训,并由技术单位协助完成数字虚拟作品。

Shortlisted contestants will receive 3D virtual software and technique training free of charge by the technology support company, the technology support company will assist the contestants to finish their virtual works.

5. 参赛作品必须是未公开发表过的个人原创作品(大学生时装周及学校演出作品除外)。参赛作品所产生的任何剽窃、模仿行为及其他法律责任与大赛组织单位无关,由参赛作品提交人(团队)负责承担。

Entries must be original and unpublished. (Works participated China Graduate Fashion Week and school Shows are excluded.) Any plagiarism, epigonism and related legal liabilities have no relations with the competition’s organizational units, the submitter (or the submit team) shall bear full responsibility.



Ready to wear gold prize: 1 person with 100,000 RMB prize money


Virtual gold prize: 1 person with 80,000RMB prize money


Silver prize: 2 people with 50,000RMB prize money each


Bronze prize: 3 people with 20,000RMB prize money each


Best element innovation, best technique and best internet popularity prize: 1 person each with 8,000RMB prize money


Several recognition awards, with RMB 3,000 prize money each.


All the above awards will be issued certificates or trophies by China Fashion Association. All prize money is pre-tax and the organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation.

评委组成Jury Composition


Appraisal Committee: Consist of well-known domestic and international scholars, designers, artists, fashion critics, entrepreneurs and former contestant representatives with achievement transformation.

评比办法Appraisal Method

1. 设计稿评选:由评委团成员根据评比标准(市场与商品化 40%,中华传统元素运用 35%, 创意与时尚度25%,);分别评选出30组设计作品入围。如有选手退赛,入围名额根据得分排名依次递补。

Design Sketch Appraisal: the appraisal committee members will select 30 groups of works according to the criteria (market and commercialization 40%, application of traditional Chinese elements 35%, creativity and fashion 25%,) for the final. In case of withdrawal, the number of finalists will be shortlisted according to the score ranking.

2. 成衣效果评审:评委基于设计图,对完成成衣作品以及数字虚拟作品从静态实物(虚拟图片)展示、模特动态走秀(数字走秀)双层面评出奖项。评比标准为:商品转化度(40%),成衣效果(30%),传承与创新(30%)。

Ready-to-wear result appraisal: based on the design sketches, the judges will award the finished ready-to-wear works and digital virtual works from two levels of static physical objects (virtual pictures) display and dynamic models’ runway (digital runway shows). The appraisal criteria are: product transformation degree (40%), ready-to-wear result (30%), inherit and innovation (30%).


Special note: if the finalists are unable to attend the final due to the pandemic, please post the physical works to the organizing committee and participate in the on-site defense and appraisal online.

大赛日程Competition Schedule

2022年5月18日—2022年7月16日 报名投稿


2022年7月23日—7月31日 入围选手三维虚拟技术培训

2022年8月24日-11月15日 入围作品成衣与虚拟制作

2022年11月16日-11月20日 提交入围决赛成衣与虚拟作品


May 18th, 2022 -- July 16th, 2022 : Application and submission

July 17th, 2022 -- July 23rd , 2022: Design sketches selection and shortlist notice

July 23rd , 2022 -- July 31st , 2022: Finalist 3D virtual technology training

August 24th -- November 15th , 2022: Shortlisted garments’ physical and virtual production

November. 16th -- November. 20th , 2022: Finalist ready-to-wear and virtual works submission

The final round and awarding ceremony will be held in late November 2022.

决赛暨颁奖The final and Awards

1. 决赛暂定于2022年11月(具体时间以入围通知为准)。

The final is tentatively scheduled in November 2022 (the specific time is subject to the notification of finalists).

2. 决赛地点:中国山东济南(具体地点以入围通知为准)。

The final place: Jinan, Shandong, China (the specific place is subject to the notification)

3. 入围选手必须携带参赛作品于决赛前3天(北京时间)到达决赛地点(具体地点以入围通知为准)。入围选手参加决赛的交通费用由组委会凭交通单据报销,其中欧美选手最多报销一万元人民币,亚洲选手最多报销五千元人民币,中国选手最多报销三千元人民币,入围选手在决赛地参赛期间,由组委会提供免费食宿。参赛作品自行制作费用由选手承担。

Finalists must arrive at the final place 3 days before the final (Beijing time) with their works (the specific venue is subject to the notification of finalists). The transportation expenses for finalists will be reimbursed by the organizing committee according to the transportation invoices, with the maximum reimbursement of RMB 10,000 for European and American contestants, RMB 5,000 for Asian contestants and RMB 3,000 for Chinese contestants. During the competition in the final place, the organizing committee will provide free accommodation for finalists. Contestants shall bear the cost of their work production.

参赛稿件提交Design Sketch Submission


In principle, the competition will accept electronic manuscripts. If you need to submit the paper design sketch, please post it to the organizing committee.


Contestant application link: https://forms.ebdan.net/ls/p4MwTFEA?bt=yxy , please fill in the relevant personal information and upload the manuscript.

国际选手报名邮箱:zggjhfds@sina.com ,请填写报名登记表,同电子稿件一同发送至邮箱。

International contestant application E-mail: zggjhfds@sina.com , please fill in the application form and send it together with the electronic manuscript to the E-mail.


The deadline is Beijing Time(UTC+8)23:59, July 16th, 2022, after which the electronic submission channel will be closed automatically.





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