
发布时间:2019年7月13日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:2074


2019 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design







The 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019 tends to present the latest progress of Asian graphic design. The theme of Shanghai Biennial is "BO", whose meaning in Chinese is to seed, spread, distribute, and scatter. We look forward to providing a platform of the collision, blend of wisdom and smart intelligence with the graphic language for the excellent designers around the world, in order to share their unique understanding of the theme, to spread their wisdom, and most importantly to inspire the future/junior designers with the novel ideas and design cultural inheritance. We expect the future/junior designers devote themselves to the graphic design.

The 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019 will be exhibited in Shanghai and Taiwan, respectively.

指导单位 | Advised by:

Shanghai Designers Association

Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design

国际评审团 | International jury of experts: (以姓氏笔画为顺)


Taiwan——Apexlin, Pang-soong (Famous designer)

Hong Kong——Javin Mo (Famous designer)
日本——中村至男 Nakamura Norio(著名设计师)
Japan——Nakamura Norio (Famous Designer)
英国——Peter Lloyd(英国索伦特大学艺术设计&时尚学院院长)
UK——Peter Lloyd (dean of the School of Art, Design and Fashion, Solent University, UK)
韩国——安尚秀 Ahn Sang-soo(著名设计师)
South Korea——Ahn Sang-soo(Famous Designer)


总策展 |    Director:林迅 Xun LIN    吴飞飞  Feifei WU
执行策展人 |    Executor:戴晓玲  Dai Xiaoling  丁斌  Ding Bin
联合策展团队|    Co-producer:
任晓军、吴艺华、黄艳华、凌冰、单博、杨光、周丹丹、王卉、张曦、汤 曙、车朝春、石香兰
Xiaojun REN, Yihua WU, Yanhua HUANG, Bin LING Bo SHAN, Guang YANG, Dandan ZHOU, Hui WANG, Xi ZHANG, Shu TANG, Chaochun CHE, Xianglan SHI

视觉设计 |    Visual Design:WFF 艺术创新设计工作室
社交媒体推广和网站运维 |    Social media promotion and site ops::张弢    Zhang Tao

媒体支持 |     Media supporters:

解放日报 中国美术报 艺术博览 视觉中国 古田路 9 号 陆俊毅设计现场 官方网站
Jiefang Daily, China art weekly,Art Expo, Visual China, www.gtn9.com, Lu Junyi design, Official website

官方语种 |     Official Language:中文、英文     Chinese, English

主办 |     Sponsor :

Tongji University Shanghai International Institute of Design & Innovation

The 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019 Organizing Committee

承办单位 |         Organizer:

Shanghai Institute of Technology

支持单位 | Supports: :


College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University


College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University


School of Art Design and Media, East China University of Science and Technology


School of Art and Design, Shanghai University of Engineering Science


College of Communication and Art Design, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


School of Art Design, Shanghai Business School


Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts


School of Media & Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


College of Applied Art & Design, Shanghai Polytechnic University


School of Design, Nanjing University of the Arts


Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute


School of Art, Hunan Normal University


School of Art & Design, Changsha University of Science and Technology


School of Art, Suzhou Vocational University


Shandong University of Art & Design


Shandong University of Arts


Solent University, UK


The William Paterson University of New Jerse, US


Montclair State University, US


National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences


NEUE Design Exhibition Project








本届双年展分两个展项 |    Two exhibitions:
The 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019 contains two exhibitions. The theme of each exhibition is shown in the following:

 1 以“播”为主题设计图形海报 |    BO  

The graphic design exhibition will collect the outstanding theme-related posters from designers around Asia to bring their forth-new understandings for the theme.

2 自由主题海报 |      Free Theme

There is no limit to the themes, but it should be with positive sense and strong graphic form.

征集作品及要求 |    Rules and Regulations:

The work should NOT offend against diverse cultures of all Asia countries or should NOT be immoralism. The work SHOULD be theme-related.

2.每件参展作品的电子文档技术参数:作品幅面60X90CM,像素精度150dpi以上,CMYK,文件格式为JPG格式(用于作品打印);同时递交预览文件RGB格式, 文件大小不超过2M(用于线上展示),如果对印刷有特殊要求的,可以自行印刷邮寄给组委会。
Submit files of works: 60X90CM size, more than 150 dpi, JPEG, a color model CMYK for printing. And RGB, NO MORE THAN 2MB for presentation online.If the participant requires the special size for his/her own work, he/she has to print the work by himself/herself, then posts it to the Organizing Committee.

Each applicant is allowed to submit at most THREE works. (Series are only counted for one work).

4.线上投稿截止日为2019年10月25日,下载报名表格http://www.sagdshanghai.org/同作品一起提交,投稿邮件: sagd2019@126.com;入选作品将在11月20日后在官方网页和相关媒体公布,并通知作者。
The deadline for online submission is 25th. Oct 2019. Please find the application form at http://www.sagdshanghai.org/. Please send the application form along with the files of work to sagd2017@126.com;The accepted participants will be contacted after 20th. Nov 2019 and the work will be presented on the official web and related media.

No application fee.

本届双年展联络处、作品邮寄地址  |    Contact Details:

The Secretariat of the Organizing Committee for the 4th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019

地址 | address:中国上海市徐汇区漕宝路120号,上海应用技术大学艺术与设计学院
Art and Design School of Shanghai Institute of Technology
No.120 Caobao Road, Shanghai China

邮编 | Zip number:200233

电子邮件| Email:sagd2017@126.com

联系人|    Contactor:杨光 Guang YANG   石香兰   Xianglan SHI

TEL:0086-13512141611   0086-13524442584

网站主页 | website:http://www.sagdshanghai.org/

微信公众号 | wechat:SAGD2017

上海展览地点和时间 | Shanghai exhibition time and place:

The address of Exhibition: Shanghai Library Exhibition Hall

The date of Exhibition: 16th. Dec. – 22nd. Dec. 2019

The date of workshop:  8:30am-11:30am, from 14th. Dec. – 16th. Dec. 2019

工作坊指导导师:日本著名设计师中村至男Nakamura Norio
The supervisor of workshop: Nakamura Norio

The address of workshop: Groud floor, the School of Art and Design, Shanghai Institute of Technology,  No.210 Caobao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

The theme of workshop:  TBC on the official website

The workshop is open to the public. Please find details on the official website

台湾巡展地点与日期 | Taiwan exhibition time and place:

Exhibition address: Arts Center, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, No.415 Jiangong Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Exhibition time: 11th. Jan. – 16th. Feb. 2020

Director:Chen Yumin

Sponsor: National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Asia Art & Design Exchange platform

作品版权 |     Copyright

Participants should take full responsibility for any consequence of copyright infringement. Once any sort of copyright infringement is found, the qualification of participating will be canceled.

Entries are not refundable. Participating designers consent to the use of images of their artworks by The Organizing Committee of the 4th Shanghai Biennial Exhibition of Asia Graphic Design 2017 for promotional purposes.

All authors nominated will receive an exhibition certificate and a collection of “the 5th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2019”. Please leave your correct mailing address.





Professor Ahn Sang-soo

He is the professor at Hongik University, South Korea, and distinguished professor in Central Academy of Fine Arts; was Vice President of Icograda (1997-2001) and the chairman of Icograda Millennium Oullim Congress 2000 as well as TypoJanchi 2001. Ahn Sang-soo has been one of the most influential designers in East Asia and is known as the godfather of Korean typography. He has done various individual and group exhibitions in many countries around the world.



林磐聳1990年创设(台湾印象海报设计联谊会),积极推动台湾设计师参与国际设计竞赛、两岸设计展览与活动交流。1993年获选《企业形象经典》(三省堂)名列亚洲十二名CI设计家之一,2002年荣获ICOGRADA国际平面设计社团协会颁发(国际平面设计社团协会杰出成就奖),2003年获得美国纽约Phaidon出版社在《Area/100 Graphic Designers》名列世界百名平面设计家之一,2004年荣获台湾经济部商业司颁发商业设计创意设计杰出奖,2005年荣获香港设计中心颁发亚洲最具影响力大奖,2006年荣获中华书学会颁发美术设计类金爵奖,2007年荣获台湾文化艺术基金会颁发台湾文艺奖美术类得主。2007年荣获捷克布鲁诺双年展协会颁发荣誉会员。2009年担任高雄世界运动会视觉规划顾问及吉祥物设计等。

林磐聳曾经担任2008北京奥运会会徽、德国红点传达设计奖、墨西哥国际海报双年展、美国Adobe卓越设计奖、日本G-Mark优良设计賞。中国国际海报双年展、韩国东亚海报三年展、日本名古屋Nagoya Design Do! 、香港DFA亚洲最具影响力设计大奖、澳门设计双年展、印度i-Mark优良设计奖、台湾国际海报奖等设计大赛评审委员。

Professor Apexlin, Pang-Soong

Apexlin, Pang-Soong is the Chair Professor at Visual Communication Design, Asia University, President of Taiwan Design Alliance, President of Chinese Industrial Designers Association, director of Department of Fine Art, National Taiwan Normal University.

He has been named as “one of 100 world top graphic design masters” and received many awards including National Culture and Art Award, Education Achievement Award of ICOGRADA, Golden Cup Awards of the Art Society of China, ICOGRADA Achievement Award and DFA Design for Asia Awards of Hong Kong Design Centre. He used to be a judge for many international events and competitions including the Emblem for 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Red Dot Design Award, the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, the Adobe Design Achievement Awards, the G-Mark Design Award, the China International Poster Biennial, the International Competition Nagoya Design Do, the DFA Design for Asia Awards, the Macau Design Biennial, and the I-Mark Design Award.





2018 年中村至男获得以日本当代设计的开山鼻祖龟仓雄策命名的日本设计最高奖——「龟仓雄策」赏,成为该奖在过去20年里被授予的第 18 位设计师。

Nakamura Norio

Designer, Art Director, and the member of AGI; Born in 1967 in Kanagawa, Japan. After graduated from Nihon University College of Art, he worked for Sony Music Entertainment Co., Ltd. In 1997, Nakamura established his own design company, Nakamura Norio Studio. Since then, he has engaged in a wide spectrum of creative activity, spanning from poster design, advertisement, books, CI and motion image products to plan, design and provide artistic direction for PlayStation games and smartphone applications.

The style of Nakamura’s designs is to use the logical conceptions of IT and mathematics and combine them with Nakamura’s creativity, giving the viewer a simple visual language and a sense of instant recognition. In 2018, Nakamura was invited by Ginza Maison Hermès to design the front window displays, “A Room with Hermès”. Nakamura is the recipient of many awards including the 20th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award, the New York ADC Silver Award, the Japan Media Arts Festival Excellence Award and the Tokyo ADC Award.

Peter Lloyd


Professor Peter Lloyd

Dean of the School of Art, Design and Fashion, Solent University, and a visiting professor at Shanghai Institute of Technology, China; associate editor for the Journal of Illustration a peer-reviewed publication that provides an international forum for scholarly research and investigation into a whole range of areas relating to illustration. Peter maintains his professional practice through exhibitions, publications, papers and conferences, primarily in the area of fine art printmaking. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art, London in 2000, where he received the prestigious Augustus Martin Award and a British Airways Travel Scholarship. Peter's work is widely collected in the UK, Canada, China, Germany, South Korea and the USA.


毛灼然于2009年至2015年担任中国著名双语设计杂志《Design 360°》的设计创意及编辑顾问,作品曾多次入选本地及国际设计大赛,包括2018东京字体指导协会(Tokyo TDC)提名奖、 2017年德国iF设计大奖、台湾2015年金点设计奖「年度最佳视设计奖」等。近年更积极参与亚洲平面设计策展,包括香港K11《字旅-亚洲新锐平面设计展》(2014),「MOBILE TALK-移动 · 设计讲堂」(2016-2018),京都著名设计画廊 DDD Gallery「YELLOW PAGE」设计展(2018)等。

Javin Mo

He was the creative director and consulting editor for Design 360°- Concept and Design Magazine from 2009 to 2015. His works has been awarded the iF Design Award 2017, the Best of Golden Pin Design Award in Golden Pin Design Award 2015. In addition, his design works were also selected as one of the finalists in many national and international competitions, including Tokyo TDC 2018. In recent years, he devotes himself in curation of design exhibition in Asia, for example, the New Asian Graphic Design Exhibition 2014 in Hong Kong K11, MOBILE TALK (2016-2018), YELLOW PAGE in Tokyo DDD Gallery.




