
Which symbol best represents the Chinese culture in your eyes?

Is it the panda, kung fu, the Great Wall, or Chinese food...?

Here’s a chance to decide what emojis can best represent the Chinese culture!

The China Daily Emoji Design Contest of Chinese Cultural Symbols is now calling for entries from all over the world!

No matter what style it is, classical or modern, share your creative ideas with us!

All wining designs will be shared and promoted on the China Daily app. But that’s not all. The winners will receive prizes too!

So let your creativity flow!




The emojis should be centered around the subject of Chinese culture,

presenting classic or popular cultural images in the form of emojis.



Professional designers    专业设计师

Design enthusiasts    设计爱好者

Anybody who loves emojis   表情包使用爱好者

All nationalities are welcomed.   投稿人国籍不限


First prize: 6,000 yuan, with certificate of honor


Second prize: 3,000 yuan, with certificate of honor


Third prize: 1,000 yuan, with certificate of honor


Most popular award: prize-winner voted by online users




1. Works should be submitted online. Please open this page on your computer, find the entry for “Submission of Work” to upload your designs. Maximum of three works can be submitted by each applicant. Only one prize will be awarded to participant even if more than one work by the same designer is selected.

2. Submitted works must be a group, with 8 to 16 emojis in each group. Formats: jpg/png/gif/jpge. Size: 240x240px. Each picture should not exceed 100k, and the size of each group should not exceed 1.6M.

3. Work title, designing ideas and cultural meaning should be submitted as required.

1. 作品采用在线投稿。参赛者需使用电脑登录活动页面,选择“上传作品”,按要求填写个人信息并确认提交。同一参赛者(或单位)最多可提交三份作品。若同一作者多个作品获奖,或同一作品同时获得专家评审奖和人气奖,奖励不作叠加,仅以最高奖励发放。

2. 投稿作品需为组图,每组限8-16张。文件格式为jpg/png/gif/jpge,尺寸240×240px,单图大小不超过100K,每组作品总大小不超过1.6M。

3. 作品上传时应按要求填写作品名、设计理念和文化传播意义。


1. Work must not contain pornographic, violent or anti-social elements, must conform to the law of People’s Republic of China.

2. No watermark of the designers’ names or any mark that identifies the designers should be included in the works.

3. Copyright belongs to the designers. Once selected, the works will be used by China Daily to share, present and uses for publicity. Designers should not authorize them to a third party or use them for other product development.

4. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If applications violate the copyright law and relevant regulations, the organizer will cancel their eligibility. All related legal responsibility rests with the applicants; all prize money will be recalled.

5. No submitted works will be returned to the designers, please keep the original copies.

6. Personal information and bank account details will be needed of those selected. If the participant refuses to provide personal and bank information, or fails to provide them within the stipulated time, the winner will be disqualified.

7. China Daily reserves the right of final interpretation of the rules.

1. 作品不得含有色情、暴力及反动因素,不得与中华人民共和国法律相抵触。

2. 投稿作品上不得保留作者姓名或表明作者身份的标志。

3. 投稿作品著作权属于原作者。投稿作品如若获奖,即视为投稿者同意主办方拥有该作品的复制、展示、宣传等权利,投稿者不得再将作品转让至第三方或用于其它产品开发。

4. 投稿人须保证对作品享有完整版权,若作品侵犯著作权等相关法律,主办方将取消其参评资格,所有法律责任由参赛者本人承担。如已发放奖金,将全额追回。

5. 参赛作品无论入选与否,一律不退还,请作者自留底稿。

6. 投稿者在接到入选通知后,主办方会要求入选者提供个人信息和银行账户等信息,以便发放稿酬。如拒绝提供相关信息,即视为主动放弃奖励。

7. 主办方保留本次活动的最终解释权和进一步补充本细则的权利。




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