发布时间:2022年12月20日 分类:视觉传达作品 浏览量:3733


Designer: Chen Luyi / Hu Kaiyin | Adviser: Tian Bo

In the Internet era, makeup has become the norm. There are endless makeup tutorials on the internet, but can different audiences effectively learn these make-up techniques? Can the invisible makeup techniques be transformed into practical operations? Can this behavior be recorded and conveyed through different media? By extracting the make-up trajectory, tracking the motion path of each makeup tool, and superimposing different trajectories, we try to build a new relationship between artificial intelligence and makeup, which provides a new cognition and understanding of aesthetics.
Designer: Xu Yigu / Cai Xiwen / Lin Youya
Adviser: Bi Xuefeng

In modern society, when food is labeled with an “expiration date”, it means that then it starts a “countdown to death” and faces the situation of being destroyed while still in an edible state at any time. The large amount of food waste caused by the expiration date makes us think: We create the food expiration date under the human cognition, but how will the food understand its own expiration date? We propose the concept of “best before date”. In this concept, the expiration date is not just a numerical indication of shelf life. Nevertheless, it has become a date set by excessive consumption and aesthetic standards, which do not belong to the food at all. We approach the visual presentation from the perspectives of both processed and raw food forms, exploring the public's perception of food expiration dates and the follow-up topics of food waste and consumption concepts through variable fonts, image reconstruction, and book design. The aim is to provoke a rethinking of the public's perception and evaluation standards of food.
Designer: Li Yiyang / Fang Ruoyu
Adviser: Lai Ningchao

在物质生活已经发展的多样丰富的中国,但由于社会上的一些“衡水文化”“狼性文化”“996”等不良风气的出现,导致大家都有着相似的功利思想。人们本来有着不同的愿望和理想,但随着成长和步入社会,大家最后都走上了一条路,都去追求社会单一化的成功标准。许愿池是一个概念性展览,道符被用来祈祷以达成很想实现的愿望,它代表人们内心深处的理想和追求,而红色条幅则被某些机构或公司滥用于宣传功利的价值观,它在此处代表一种功利的价值观。展览通过感温油墨将多彩的道符变成统一的红色条幅, 这两种特殊的视觉语言的变化揭示了当代人们价值观趋同的问题,呼吁大家保持个性与内心追求。
Designer: Hu Chuan / Xu Xiya / Yin Wenqi
Adviser: Zheng Chao

As the subject of social life, we human-being should discuss about the shaping of moral personality. The Analects of Confucius put forward the ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles of Confucius and the Confucian school. The ancient Chinese civilization is inherited from the valuable sayings to the modern people. What is the moral basis that we follow? In ancient time, “Zi Yue” meant “Confucius says”, while at present “Zi Yue” can also be “someone says”, which implies everyone's words and deeds build the whole social ecology. With the emergencies of multiple social problems, the deviation of moral concept makes people reflect deeply. Is traditional culture still instructive today? Are moral grounds effective in modern people's behavior?
Based on ideas on the words and deeds mentioned in the Analects of Confucius, we summarize the five aspects, i.e., benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness in the Analects, and combine them with the Five Elements Theory to discuss the corresponding social problems. We hope to reflect on one's knowledge and actions through the mediums like books or other interactive ways. Also, we hope to reflect on the present moral concept from the ancient eastern philosophy, and think about the enlightenment given by the gentleman thought in the Analects of Confucius to the modern people.
Designer: Lin Yuting / Li Peiying
Adviser: Tian Bo / Shi Chunsheng / Huang QiFan

Maps are a product of human civilization. In modern times, digital maps abstract the three-dimensional real world areas and present them as two-dimensional planes. However, due to the influence of the fourth dimension, i.e. time, various situations arise when people use two-dimensional maps in the three-dimensional world. Therefore, our design is to add the time dimension to the flat map and visualize the “time trajectory of people moving in the map”, so as to present a time map with a brand-new look from a brand-new perspective. The space and time of the digital map world and the real world overlap and intersect with each other, creating a cross-projection of time and space, virtual and reality.
Designer: Wang Qiaobeier
Adviser: He Jun / Zhang Xinrong / Liu Zhizhi

如今,图像不再是事实的表象,而是已经成为了事实,我们所看到的都是没有原件的副本。在生活中所感知到的一切都在逐渐被拟像,变得超真实,我们的记忆在无形中被篡改。《3 MUSEUM》中的拟像物,它们从模仿中诞生,基于真实却超越真实。在作品中,3这个数来源于斐波那契数列(12358数列),有1处场域、2句阐释、3种秩序、5个问题、8个道具。问题分别是:如何生成事实?哪次是真实的?谁做出了解释?谁创造了真相?下一个出场的?
Nowadays, images are no longer representations of facts but have become facts, and all we see are copies without originals. Everything we perceive in life is gradually being simulated, becoming super real, and our memories are being tampered invisibly. The so-called simulacrum is not an imitation of reality, but a re-imitation and reproduction of fictional objects in human imagination. The simulacra in “3 MUSEUM” are born from imitation, based on the real but surpassing the real copy. In this work, the number “3” originates from Fibonacci sequence (12358 sequence) where 1 field, 2 sentence explanations, 3 orders, 5 questions, and 8 props exist. Questions to think: How to generate facts? In which time the fact is true? Who made explanations? Who created the truth? What is the next to come?
Designer: Chen Lingzi / Ding Ning / Lin Jingru
Adviser: Bi Xuefeng

Designer: Fog Dynamic Studio | Adviser: Sun Ke

Designer: Zhu Yiting
Adviser: Charlotte-Maëva Perret / Tony Credland

Designer: Chen Yihan / Hu Fang / Yang Jie
Adviser: Bi Xuefeng

Designer: Wei Changlong / Peng Weijie
Adviser: Tian Bo / Shi Chunsheng / Huang Qifan

Designer: Dong Wenqing / Hao Tianlu / Yin Xiangcheng
Adviser: Lu Xi / Wang Yi

Designer: Wang Shuyi | Adviser: Zheng Yuhan

Designer: Lin Zhen / Jiang Yanyan / Zhang Yuxin
Adviser: Bi Xuefeng / Xu Zhenting

Designer: Liao Yulu / Liu Fangzhu / Yu Shunjie
Adviser: Zheng Chao

Designer: Zhong Yi / He Zemei / Chen Zhiruo

Designer: Cui Yue / Liang Xinxin
Adviser: Yu Qiongjie

Designer: Shu Tong | Adviser: Sun Shujie

Designer: Chen Zixin / Sun Lianqi / Yi Jiawen
Adviser: Tian Bo

Designer: Zhu Lihao
Adviser: Duan Lining

Designer: Hu Shunhong / Hou Zhaoyi / He Kun
Adviser: Shen Jinli
School: Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Designer: Lin Lingjia / Na Zimu / Wu Weiyao
Adviser: Zhou Feng
School: China Academy of Art

Designer: Tang Tingting
Adviser: Chen Yingzhu / Wang Hong
School: Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Designer: Yin Xiangcheng / Hao Tianlu / Lu Xinghang
Adviser: Wu Weichen
School: China Academy of Art

Designer: Sun Huajie
Adviser: Yang Renmin / Huang Guoliang / Hu Tao
School: Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Designer: Zhan Zhicheng
School: China Academy of Art

Designer: Cai Junhui | Adviser: Kong Lingqi
School: Macau University of Science and Technology

Designer: Chen Zixin / Yi Jiawen / Sun Lianqi
Adviser: Huang QiFan
School: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Designer: 8th Group | Adviser: Tian Bo
School: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Designer: Shen Youyou | Adviser: Zhou Feng
School: China Academy of Art

Designer: Hu Siqi / Mao Ying / Wang Hankun
Adviser: Zheng Chao
School: China Academy of Art

Designer: Yang Junbin | Adviser: Carlos Romo-Melgar
School: London College of Communicatio
Designer: Ma Haoxuan | Adviser: Ni Jianlin
School: Nanjing Normal University

Designer: Chen Shuai / Yu Shiqun / Zhu Riyan
Adviser: Fang Hongzhan
School: Zhejiang University of Technology

Designer: Jin Jie
Adviser: He Fang / Wang Fan / Tao Feifei
Designer: Cui Yue / Liang Xinxin / Kong Jeonghyeon
Adviser: Wang Yi / Chen Zhengda

Designer: Liu Yuqing / Chen Shuya / Ji Jing
Adviser: Chen Sisi

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