2024 DIA 第九届中国设计智造大奖复评结果开放查询
发布时间:2024年10月24日 分类:竞赛资讯 浏览量:1248
第九届中国设计智造大奖复评工作 已圆满落幕
今日官网已开放入围结果查询 请各位参赛选手
2. 作品状态显示为“总决赛候选(产业组)”,说明作品获得总决赛产业组参评资格,须本人到现场参与总决赛答辩,并出席颁奖典礼以获取证书、奖杯及奖金。 注:产业组下设金奖(4项,30万/项)、银奖(8项,15万/项)、铜奖(12项,10万/项)。
3. 作品状态显示为“总决赛候选(概念组)”,说明作品获得总决赛概念组参评资格,须上传5分钟答辩视频,并出席颁奖典礼以获取证书、奖杯及奖金。 注:概念组下设“明日之星奖”(4项、5万/项)、“设计新锐奖”(10项,2万/项)。
4. 今年新增设 “全场大奖”一项,奖金100万,评选不受组别和类别限制,产业组概念组总决赛候选作品均有机会争取。
5. 作品状态显示为“未获奖”,参赛者仍可以观众身份参加论坛、展览等相关活动,具体参与方式请关注公众号后续通知。
1. 获奖信息填写 获奖信息将于2024年10月16日开放填写。该信息已根据报送资料默认填写,如需更改,须在2024年10月31日16:00(北京时间)前登录报名系统,在“获奖信息”中进行修改。获奖信息将用于获奖证书、年鉴出版以及对外宣传等用途,逾期将无法修改,空缺将默认放弃后期获奖宣传资格。
2. 总决赛评审 产业组总决赛候选者必须到总决赛现场参加答辩,概念组总决赛候选者必须提交5分钟答辩视频参评,否则将视为放弃总决赛资格及奖金,仅授予“佳作奖”荣誉,由DIA评审委员会或学术委员会决议是否增补空缺名额。
3. 获奖公布 所有获奖名单将于颁奖典礼当日揭晓结果。
4.后期活动安排 总决赛及颁奖典礼系列活动拟于2024年12月5日-12月7日在中国杭州中国美术学院良渚校区举行,请所有佳作奖获奖选手及参加总决赛答辩选手提前准备签证、机票、酒店预定等事宜。
如有任何参赛问题可邮件咨询: 国内:info@di-award.org 国外:international@di-award.org
Query Method Log on the DIA official website(www.di-award.org) to access the registration system. Click on "Entry List" to check your entry status. The entry status will be indicated as follows:
1. The status of " Honorable Mention Award" means your work has received the Honorable Mention Award. To obtain your certificate and trophy, attendance at the award ceremony is required.
2. The status of "Finalist (Product Group)" indicates that your work has qualified for the Final Evaluation in the Product Group. To receive your certificate, trophy, and prize money, your participation in the on-site Final Evaluation and attendance at the award ceremony in person is required. Set for the Product Group: 4 Gold Awards (RMB300,000/winner), 8 Silver Awards (RMB150,000/winner), 12 Bronze Awards (RMB100,000/winner). 3. The displayed status of "Finalist (Concept Group)" indicates that your work has qualified for the Final Evaluation in the Concept Group. To receive your certificate, trophy, and prize money, you are required to upload a 5-minute oral defense video and attend the award ceremony in person. Set for the Concept Group: 4 Future Talents Awards (RMB50,000/winner), 10 Young Talents Awards (RMB20,000/winner)
3. Grand Award (1 Winner, RMB 1,000,000/winner) is open to all entries from both Product and Concept Group in this year.
4. If the status is "Not Awarded", participants can still attend forums, exhibitions, and related events as a spectator. Please stay tuned for further details on how to get involved through our official WeChat account.
Instruction for Award Recipients
1. Award Information Submission The submission of award information will be open on October 16, 2024. This information has been pre-filled based on the submitted data. For any necessary changes to be made, you are required to log in to the registration system before October 31, 2024, 16:00 (Beijing Time/UTC+8), and make modifications in the "Award Information" section. The award information will be used for award certificates, yearbook publication, and external publicity purposes. After the deadline, no modifications will be allowed. Failure to provide award information will be deemed as forfeiture of post-award promotional privileges.
2. The Final Evaluation For the Finalist (Product Group) are required to attend in-person the Final Evaluation for the oral defense. Meanwhile, Finalist (Concept Group) must submit a 5-minute presentation video for evaluation. Failure to adhere to these requirements will lead to the forfeiture of eligibility for the Final Evaluation and associated prize money. In such cases, only the "Honorable Mention Award" will be granted. The decision regarding whether to fill any resulting vacancies will be made by the DIA Evaluation Committee or Academic Committee.
3. Award Announcement The complete list of award winners will be revealed on the day of the award ceremony.
4. Subsequent Event Arrangement The serial events, including the Final Evaluation and the Award Ceremony, are scheduled to take place in Liangzhu Campus of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, from December 15th to 16th, 2024. We kindly request all Honorable Mention Award winners and finalists who will participate in the onsite oral defense to make necessary arrangements such as visa processing, flight bookings, hotel reservations in advance. *Should there be any adjustments to the event’s time or location, the DIA committee will provide further notifications.
If you have any questions or concerns related to your participation, please feel free to contact us by email: For Domestic Inquiries: info@di-award.org For International Inquiries: international@di-award.org
中国设计智造大奖 Design Intelligence Award 中国设计智造大奖(Design Intelligence Award,简称DIA大奖),作为中国创新设计领域首个国际化的学院奖,自2014年发起以来,在浙江省人民政府大力支持下,中国美术学院已连续成功主办九届大奖,DIA大奖始终以“打造国际一流工业设计大奖”为目标,以赋能高质量发展为使命,与国家战略同频共振,持续推进扩面提质,逐渐发展成为中国最具世界影响力的综合创新设计大奖。
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